


Hot off the press   Hot off the press   Hot off the press   Hot off the press   Hot off the press   Hot off the press   Hot off the press   Hot off the press  

Remote Revival

Reviving Legal Careers, Remotely. Macgregor Erasmus Attorneys is reconnecting with seasoned attorneys, leveraging digital transformation to offer flexible, remote legal practice—without redundancy.


The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2011 (FICA) was introduced by the Legislature in order to combat financial crime, such as money laundering, tax evasion and terrorist-financing activities.


The Protection of Personal Information Act (4 of 2013) (POPIA) is effective from 30 June 2021. All businesses in South Africa must be compliant by this time.

Virtual World

So the world, CCMA and Labour Court have gone virtual…and found Macgregor Erasmus already there, waiting and ready for battle!


Fresh expert Insights from from our very own seasoned legal professionals.

South African Legal Insights: Property, Construction, and Mining Laws

South Africa’s legal landscape offers secure property rights, evolving construction regulations, and a mineral-rich mining sector. Legal compliance is essential for investors and businesses. Macgregor Erasmus Attorneys offers expert guidance to ensure smooth transactions and risk mitigation.

Restraint of trade – Best forum to enforce?

Can Dismissed Employees Evade Restraints of Trade? A recent Labour Court ruling suggests misconduct-related dismissals may weaken enforcement, making the High Court a stronger option for employers.

Probationary Period – Dismissal

Employees who claim to have the skills required for the job and are found to not have these skills, may be dismissed during or at the end of their probation periods.

CCMA’S Move to online hearings: The New Directive

Courts 100 years ago resembled courts today as they were in person, people and building -centric, manual processes which have changed little, until Covid that is, when the use of online hearings began in earnest.

Abuse of Sick Leave – Not your typical day off

Australians take them as of right – sickies! At least we have not reached that stage yet. Having said this, sick note abuse is on the increase. We examine an employer’s rights.

Breaking case on strike interdicts – Violence

The nature of strikes in South Africa over the past five years have become consistently more violent to an extent that strikers often expect and/or believe that violence is the only method of forcing a result in a strike.