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Virtual World

So the world, CCMA and Labour Court have gone virtual… and found Macgregor Erasmus already there, waiting and ready for battle!

We offer to our range of in person litigation services, a cutting edge online labour law litigation unit steeped in virtual online hearings, virtual CCMA and Bargaining arbitrations, virtual Labour Court applications and Trials. We chair, appear, argue, and win for our clients in the emerging online Court and Arbitration battlegrounds.

We developed this service to meet our client’s needs as South Africa moves into the online arena for its Courts and Tribunals.

Hardened and experienced through the rapid development of the online Courts and Tribunals from Covid to the South African Government’s embracing of the cost savings online Courts bring, we are one of the first Law Firm to embrace these developments which will come to the fore as Government develops this facility for business, trade unions and employees over the next months and years.

Our clients see first-hand, on top of our winning and hallmark service, the time and cost savings in reducing airflights, hotel accommodation, vehicle hire in travelling to in-person venues and the practical cost savings in avoiding adjournments when witnesses who previously may not have been available in person, necessitating adjournments, but who can now be available through the click of a Zoom or Teams connection.

It is anticipated that within the next two years a substantial number of employment matters will be dealt with virtually and Macgregor Erasmus Attorneys Inc. is at the forefront of these developments.

Contact us to discuss outsourcing your disciplinary process and your litigation needs, and to investigate the use of virtual platforms discussed herein.